

The revenue earned through the expert management and investment of the capital endowment of the Lawyers’ Legacy for Children - The Ray Harris Fund by the Hamilton Community Foundation has enabled the Fund to make thousands of dollars in game-changing grants to help Hamilton’s children and young people.

 As a permanent endowment Fund, it will continue to do that forever.   


The LLC has previously made grants to:

YWCA Hamilton
Rise Leadership Camp - $8,188
Brigs Youth Sail Training
Supporting grant - $10,000

Wesley Urban Ministries
Youth Housing - $17,600

Munar Learning Centre
Literacy and Numeracy Summer Program - $10,000
Shalem Mental Health Network
RE-Create Outreach Art Studio - $10,875

Essential Aid and Family Services of Ontario
Infant and Toddler Food Bank - $12,500
Neighbour to Neighbour Centre (Hamilton)
Supporting Grant - $7,000

Eva Rothwell Centre
Breakfast Program - $10,232
Wesley Urban Ministries
Nutritious Snacks for Children - $4,899

Neighbour to Neighbour Centre (Hamilton)
Children’s Food Literacy Programs - $40,000

Living Rock Ministries
Wellness Works Program - $5,895

Hamilton Academy of Performing Arts
Imagine in the Park Festival - $500
The John Howard Society
Liaison College Youth Success Fund - $25,000

Hamilton Academy of Performing Arts
Imagine in the Park Festival - $500

Hamilton Academy of Performing Arts
Imagine in the Park Festival - $500

Autism Society of Ontario, Hamilton Chapter
Supporting Grant - $5,500
Hugs N Snugs Support Services
McMaster Children’s Hospital Gift Baskets - $500
Nelson Youth Centres
Supporting Grant - $500
YMCA of Hamilton/Burlington
Strong Kids Program - $500

Autism Society of Ontario, Hamilton Chapter
Supporting Grant - $1,000
The John Howard Society
Hamilton Project Towards No Drugs Abuse - $500

Autism Society of Ontario, Hamilton Chapter
Supporting Grant - $500


Requesting a Grant


Grants from the Lawyers’ Legacy for Children – The Ray Harris Fund are made annually as recommended by the Fund’s Donor Advisory Committee (see committee members listed on About page) 

Consideration will only be given to requests from registered charities and/or individuals or organizations sponsored by a registered charity.

Requests will be assessed based on the extent to which the proposed grant will make a palpable difference for an organization’s ability to deliver game-changing, cost effective and high quality/high impact support for children and young people, especially those in high needs populations.

To submit a grant proposal, contact:


Ray Harris presents the first grant from the Lawyers’ Legacy for Children to Anna Fasullo, President, Autism Ontario (Hamilton) with Hamilton Community Foundation chair, Sandra Stephenson and past chair, Rev. Alan MacPherson, 2009. (click photo to enlarge)

Hamilton Law Association President, Mark Giavedoni (L), Jill McKenzie (2nd from L) and Janet Booy (R) present Lawyers’ Legacy for Children grant to Sam Campanella, executive director, The Eva Rothwell Centre, 2020. (click photo to enlarge)

Ray and Beth Harris help launch Lawyers’ Legacy for Children with student musicians, 2009. (click photo to enlarge)

LLC Donor Advisory Committee members, (L to R) Dermot Nolan, Jill McKenzie, Anandi Naipal and Janet Booy present $40,000.00 grant to Neighbour 2 Neighbour Community Food Centre representatives, Krista D’Aoust and Amy Angelo (2019). (click photo to enlarge)


“With the support of the Lawyers’ Legacy Fund, more children in our community can learn where their food comes from, practice how to make nutritious snacks and meals and improve their healthy food choices.”

- Amy Angelo, manager Neighbour 2 Neighbour Community Food Centre 

“This is the first time in my life that I have received an award of any kind. I always thought these awards were for others, not me. Who would ever have thought that I would be getting one? Thank you very much for your confidence in me. I won’t let you down.”

- Justin Whitley, LLC grant recipient, John Howard Society   


“We are privileged to be able to provide these grants to help address the crucial and ongoing needs that have been intensified by the pandemic. Our goal is to collectively help our community provide children and young people in need with the essentials they deserve to help them realize thier dreams and live healthy and fulfilling lives.”

- Dermot Nolan, LLC Donor Advisory Committee