


The seeds for the Lawyers’ Legacy for Children - The Ray Harris Fund were planted with a modest contribution of $6,300.00 from the proceeds of the 2006 Hamilton Lawyers’ Show (see below).

On March 19, 2008, the Hamilton Lawyers’ Club entered into a formal Agreement with the Hamilton Community Foundation to create the Lawyers’ Legacy for Children with a mission to:

“…collectively inspire and enable children and young people to nourish and develop their knowledge, talents and values in the spirit of community, generosity and responsibility which has characterized the contributions of Hamilton’s lawyers.” 

With additional funding from fifty lawyers, judges, law firms and legal organizations (See list of The Founding Fifty below), the Fund was officially launched on July 10th, 2009 when its first grant was presented to the Hamilton Branch of Autism Ontario.

Since then, through the continuing generosity of the Hamilton bar, the capital endowment has grown to over 500,000.00 and generated thousands of dollars in annual grants for the special needs of Hamilton’s children and young people. The endowment continues to grow and donations are welcome from anyone who wants to help our community’s children. (for more information about how to donate to the Fund, press Donate)



The Hamilton Lawyers’ Show

The genesis of the Lawyers’ Legacy for Children – The Ray Harris Fund is found in the story of the Hamilton Lawyers’ Show.  

In 1983, the Hamilton Lawyers’ Club produced Twelve Angry Men at Hamilton Place with a cast made up entirely of Hamilton Lawyers. The production was the brainchild of Hamilton lawyers Jeff Manishen and Randy Mazza and was directed by their colleague Ray Harris. Thus was born the unique theatrical genre known as the Lawyers’ Show.  

The Lawyers’ Show concept caught on and spread across Canada, the U.S. and Europe as a popular vehicle for raising money for the arts and other charities and for showcasing the theatrical talents of the legal profession.

After inventing the Lawyers’ Show, the Hamilton bar did not return to the stage until 17 years later in 2001 when A Few Good Men was produced in collaboration with Hamilton’s regional professional theatre, Theatre Aquarius

Hamilton’s lawyers, judges and theatre professionals went on to give Hamilton audiences first- rate productions of To Kill a Mockingbird (2003), Inherit the Wind (2006), A Man for All Seasons (2011) and Witness for the Prosecution (2017).

In 2006 they resolved to find a way to pay their efforts forward by creating a foundation for Hamilton's children and to build it with the proceeds of their shows. Since then, hundreds of thousands of dollars have been raised by the Hamilton Lawyers' Shows in support of the Lawyers' Legacy for Children. 

In the spring of 2024, Hamilton's lawyers will present the stage play of the classic film, "The Sting", which starred Robert Redford and Paul Newman and won Best Picture honours at the 1973 Oscars.



Ray Harris

The late Justice Ray Harris played many starring roles as a member of the Hamilton bar: leading counsel, director of the first ever Hamilton Lawyers’ Show (in 1983), and Justice of the Ontario Superior Court of Justice.

But his most enduring legacy is as a founder of the Lawyers’ Legacy for Children.

Justice Harris was a persistent advocate for the establishment of a permanent legacy fund as a home for the collective philanthropy of Hamilton’s lawyers. As the director of the Hamilton Lawyers’ Show production of Inherit the Wind in 2006, he recognized that the Lawyers’ Club’s share of the proceeds could be used to get such a fund off the ground.

Under his leadership, the support of the Hamilton Lawyers’ Club and the Hamilton Community Foundation was secured and The Lawyers’ Legacy for Children was born.

He described his vision when the Fund was launched in 2009:

“We want this fund to be there to help Hamilton’s children forever. Lawyers not yet born will be donating to this fund, and thanks to the generosity of Hamilton’s lawyers, it will endure for centuries and have a lasting impact that reflects our commitment to this community.”

Justice Harris’ dream is now a “forever” legacy for the children and young people of Hamilton. In 2019, the fund was renamed Lawyers’ Legacy for Children - the Ray Harris Fund in his memory. In 2020 the annual Lawyers’ Legacy for Children Curling Bonspiel was established with all proceeds going to the Fund and the Harris Cup (named in his honour) going to the winning rink.

The Founding Fifty

Brian Adsett

Peter Anderson

Rebecca & Brent Bentham

Aldo Berlingieri

Randall Bocock

Franco Ciarlo

James Cimba

Phillip Clay

Alan Cooper

Francis DeSantis

Ray DiGregorio

Mary Lou Dingle

David Elliot

William Festeryga

Frank Genesee

Ian Gordon

Hamilton Criminal  Lawyers’ Association

Hamilton Lawyers’ Club

Ray Harris

Bruce Hillyer

Richard Horodyski

Jerry Ingrassia

Inherit the Wind Cast

Michael Lamont

Mackesy Smye

Ivan Marini

Barry Matheson

Randy Mazza

Warren Milko

William Morris

Robert Munroe

Mark Nimigan

Dermot Nolan

John Nolan

James Scarfone

Jarvis Scott

Kim Smith

Richard Startek

Jay State

Walter Stayshyn

Sandra Stephenson

Sullivan Festeryga

Gerald Swaye

James Turnbull

Stanley Tick

Paul Vayda

Robert Whitmore

Roger Yachetti

Bernd Zabel

Martha Zivolak